Klimatorium, 3XN Architects, Lemvig, Denmark, 2020
Klimatorium by 3XN Architects
Lemvig, Denmark, 2020

I am a carpenter and architect. My expertise is at the intersection of architectural design, creation of space and physical making. During the years, I specialised in timber constructions and manufacturing. 

My professional career started with an apprenticeship in carpentry, followed by the bachelor and master programme of architecture at the “Karlsruher Institute of Technology” (KIT). In 2017, I graduated M.Sc. Architecture with distinction and my master thesis “Ressource Raum” became awarded multiple times.

I worked as teaching fellow at the Institute for Building Design and Technology (KIT), supporting visiting Professor Job Floris (Monadnock, NL). Together, we guided students in their master programme in architectural design.

Since 2019, I am registered as certified architect in the “Architektenkammer Niedersachsen” (AKNDS).

After my studies at the KIT, I applied the postgraduate master programme “Design for Manufacture” at the Bartlett School of Architecture (UCL), where I specialised in digital design and timber fabrication. In 2021, I graduated M.Arch. with distinction.

My studies in London where supported by a scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the “Rossmanstipendium”.

Currently I am working as project manager at BlumerLehmann GmbH, where I design, develop and manage  timber constructions and buildings.







Carpenter for constructions and joinery /w distinction

TRIwood Tischlerei GmbH, Hannover

B.Sc. Architecture
Karlsruhe Institute for Technology KIT

Erasmus programme

M.Sc. Architecture /w distinction

Karlsruhe Institute for Technology KIT

M.Arch. Design for Manufacture /w distinction
Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London UCL



Ruth und Erich Rossmann Stiftung

Scholarship for postgraduate studies
German Academic Exchange Service DAAD


Ingenieure ohne Grenzen e.V.
Supporting member

Architects for Future Deutschland e.V.
Supporting member

Akademischer Segelverein Karlsruhe e.V. 
Supporting member